TU Grading Scale 2080 (Percentage to GPA)

TU Grading Scale 2080 (Percentage to GPA):  The Tribhuvan University Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal Controller of Examinations drafted a new Percentage to GPA formula. The following table will help to understand or analize the TU Result 2080 score and marksheet. The New Regulation and CGPA, revised examination and evaluation system is explained in this, you can also download it.

All the chosen courses will be examined in which each course will be marked in percentage. Out of 100 converted into grades as indicated in the table below. The pass marks in all the courses will be 50 marks each.

TU Grading System, Formula (Percentage to GPA)

TU Grading Scale 2080

The Evaluation System is based on CGPA grade system as given below:


Marks in percent GP Evaluation


A 85-100 4.0 Outstanding Exceptional performance and mastery of the subjects.
A- 75-84.9 3.7 Excellent Superior understanding and in-depth knowledge of the subject.
B 65-69.9 3.0 Good Adequate performance in achieving course objectives, with a satisfactory knowledge of principles and practice in the discipline.
B- 60-64.9 2.7 Satisfactory Sufficient mastery of the subject.
C 50-59.9 2.0 Pass Some understanding of principles and practice but with definite deficiencies
F Below 50 00 Failure Minimum objectives of course is not achieved.

Other grades may be assigned as specified in the table below.

Grade Incomplete
IABS Failure/withdrawal
ABS With drawl
SCRACH Academic warning
Make up Retake

TU Percentage to GPA

The table below exemplifies the calculation for GPA and CGPA. All grades are on a 4.0 scale.

Letter Grade Marks in percentage GPA values Evaluation
A 85-100 4.0 Outstanding
A- 75-84.9 3.7 Excellent
B+ 70-74.9 3.3 Very good
B 65-69.9 3.0 Good
B- 60-64.9 2.7 Satisfactory
C 50-59.9 2.0 Pass
F Below 50-00 Failure

See also: New Regulation and CGPA, revised examination and evaluation system.pdf

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